Case Study 5

What started with a booking for an Organic Acid Test Result for persistent gut issues ended with discovering Mold Illness!


What began as a booking for an Organic Acid Test to address ongoing gut problems ultimately led us to the discovery of Mold Illness!

Before reaching out to me, my client grappled with severe bloating (the kind that made her appear six months pregnant), persistent brain fog, mood swings, and a variety of other health concerns.

Upon receiving the results of her Organic Acid Test, a wealth of valuable insights emerged.

Furthermore, she confirmed mold exposure in her Dubai apartment as of September 2023.

It was, therefore, not surprising that our findings correlated with her symptoms and experiences.

As you can see she had two positive markers for yeast and fungal overgrowth.

One of these being Candida and the other one Aspergillus mold!


Mold exposure significantly impacts gut health by altering the composition of your gut microbiota.

Mycotoxins play a dual role in this process; not only do they foster the growth of harmful bacteria, but they also diminish the population of beneficial bacteria in your gut.

Additionally, mold exposure can lead to a reduction in the production of short-chain fatty acids within your intestines.

And so much more!

As you can see in the above screenshot from the Organic Acid Test, we are also dealing with high gut overgrowth, possibly SIBO.

Again we have high oxalates, something I see in almost all of my moldy clients as when the fungal pathogens metabolise they create oxalates.


One of the more alarming set of markers on the Organic Acid Test was her neurotransmitters.

Totally misbalanced.

I have a section about mold and your brain on my page Got Mold? for you to explore, but looking at those markers above you can guess what is happening.

Even worse we can see high markers of quinolinic acid which is a known neurotoxin.

There were a few other markers off like her folate and methylation metabolism, obviously impacted by mold.

how mold hides AS IBS/IBD:

The diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)/Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a broad classification encompassing a range of symptoms that medical professionals have identified as a distinct condition.

Quite frankly, this diagnosis is a waste basket term.

Contrary to the belief that IBD is an autoimmune disorder or a result of an overactive immune system, there is no substantial evidence to support this perspective.

Consequently, many well-intentioned gastroenterologists adhere to this unproven theory, failing to explore environmental triggers within their patient populations or to question the efficacy of alternative treatments.

And where has this gotten us?

No where.

The majority of people diagnosed with IBS/IBD are left in these states for years.

For nearly two decades, research has focused on how it can suppress various pro-inflammatory molecules and study the microbiome to try and change IBS/IBD.

However, very limited progress has been made beyond this attempt.


A dysbiotic microbiome and an inflamed gut surface are not the root cause but downstream effects of immune system suppression.

The symptoms of IBS/IBD primarily arise from immune system suppression, which leads to chronic opportunistic infections and damage to the gastrointestinal lining.

Remarkably, these complications can be triggered by mycotoxins produced by molds.


Let me guess.

You’ve done all the herbs, all the protocols, all the gut tests, and diets, and you’ve seen no major improvements?

Well, guess what, your gut probably isn’t the root cause.

Sure, the gut can and is a major root cause of many conditions, don’t get me wrong.

But there has to come a pivotal point where you start to look deeper at things like Mold Illness and Toxicity, Lyme Disease and other toxins and co-infections.

Move through the body system by system.

If you go through and try to fix every system and nothing will budge, it’s time to look deeper.

Mold being a big one of these.

For more information about working with me to overcome Mold Illness you can visit my page Got Mold?

Or, please feel free to reach out at if you have any questions or book a call through the link:

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