The catalyst for my personal growth began when I lost my mother to suicide during my last year of studying Biomedical Sciences, as much of a dichotomy that must sound.;

Regardless of what had happened, I decided I would not give up, not now or ever.

Despite my circumstances, I persevered in continuing with my studies, and graduated with a first-class degree in Biomedicine.

From that point on,  I decided to spend the majority of my time in the pursuit of truth and base my knowledge on integrity.

Safe to say my life has been transformed by that event, plus the strength of love and commitment to those I help.

I am Celtic and Persian in heritage, with a slight mix of Russian.

I enjoy scientific researching, working 1-1 with clients, authoring books and articles, keynoting and building my community.

I have been lucky in having the opportunity to lecture globally for events and classes.

Through years of research, clinical experience and anecdotal reports, I have developed personalised and highly specific plans to help my clients reset their bodies and minds to be spiritually, mentally, and physically balanced.

I am passionate about my work, and I'd like to think that this passion shows in every interaction I have.

My mission is to enlighten others and encourage them to live abundantly in boundless vitality.

Jessica Alana - Hero for Mold Related Diseases


This was me in 2019, I lost my mother to suicide, and my health was severely impacted as a result.

I experienced a range of health issues including acne, autoimmune problems, Candida overgrowth, hormonal imbalances, PTSD, anxiety, and more.

It felt like my entire life had been shattered into a thousand pieces, and I didn't know where to start in terms of healing myself.

If you are currently struggling with emotional or health issues, I want you to know that I see you, and I understand just how difficult it can be.

Drawing from my own personal experiences and extensive research, I have developed specific routines, protocols, and tools that can help you to heal and improve your overall well-being.

Remember, health is a continuous journey without a finish line, and I am here to support you along the way.


Hear what some of my clients are saying.

I'm impressed by Jessica's knowledge - she is on the top of her game in biohacking and optimal nutrition as a content creator and speaker.

She is a highly skilled professional with a passion for helping others reach their health and wellness goals.
Teemu Arina
Author of Biohacker's Handbook and founder of Biohacker Summit and Biohacker Centre
I have known Jessica for three years and have found her trustworthy and hardworking.

During this time, I have been inspired by her keenness to learn new skills and use her high educational training to reach out to new aspects of medicine.
Her research into the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen has proved very helpful in raising the awareness of help and support to the general public.

Jessica is very professional in marketing, and it is clear that immense talent lies in this business arena.
I have no hesitation in recommending this young lady to anyone.
DR Robert Pender
PhD in Hyperbaric Medicine (PhD Med Sc, Dip Rad, FRSM)
I feel extremely fortunate to have been in consultation with Jessica.
My overall health condition was very poor prior to consulting her. Jessica has been fantastic from the start of my treatment journey to the finish. Now I feel more focused, energised, healthier, younger and most importantly much happier.

She gave me tailor made solutions I needed throughout my treatment. I would highly recommend her.

I felt you were a light at the end of the dark tunnel. Now I am feeling you as a mirror also where I can see problems inside me, rather feeling bad on actions/ circumstances happening outside.
Sajid Ali
Health Consultation Client
I have been working with Jessica for nine months now.
I would highly recommend her. Her knowledge of the biohacking space is fantastic, and she has written some brilliant articles and social media pieces for us.

She is straightforward to work with, understands our monthly brief and excels every time.
Not only that, but she stays in contact with us and identifies new areas to consider working with and or how to expand on what we already have.
Helen Taylor
Clinic Founder
I was looking for a legit health consultation, and Jessica more than delivered.
She advised me to treat my symptoms with a unique protocol designed for my personal needs, based on her experience in biomedicine and as a top-level biohacker.

Furthermore, with a personalized diet, nutrition plan and lifestyle changes, she really cares about the outcome and is always ready to help with any doubt along the way!

I whole heartedly recommend to anyone who is seeking real advice that works!
Francesco Rumignani
Hyperbaric Oxygen client
Jessica has carried out tremendous work for Medical Diagnosis LTD.

She showed good character and was punctual with her commitments.
Her science background has been instrumental in the marketing project she was in charge of.

Medical Diagnosis will be cooperating with her again.
Dr George Xynopoulos
Consultant Cardiologist